Tape Ball Cricket Tournament September 2019

Hello cricket lovers. I was very lucky that I got selected in the 'one world campus' cricket team. Last week I stayed late in school to practice for one hour. On Sunday 22nd September 2019. I went with my Baba to Wahid campus to play the cricket tournament. There are 11 members in all cricket teams. My games teachers are Sir Hayat and Sir Haroon. The match started at 9am in the morning. It was a tough match and there were three rounds. The match was of five overs. I came as a opener and hit one sixer and one four and got run out. My team made 36 runs in the first innings. Unfortunately we lost the match and our team was disqualified. My Baba watched my match and took some pictures and made video for my fans. I am sad that we lost the match but it is sportsman spirit and it's not the winner that matter, it's how you play the game.