JURASSIC WORLD the fallen kingdom

I went to the cinema with my baba to watch the second part of Jurassic world. It was very fun dinosaurs are my favorite . The character were same in the fallen kingdom. The name of the dinosaurs were Blue, T Rex, Indo-raptor, Mosasaurus and allosaurus. It was a 3D movie the main Dinosaurs were blue, T Rex, Mosasaurus and indoor Raptor first a underwater machine went to the sea to find the bone of Indominus Rex because they wanted to take the DNA of Indominus from his bone to make a new hybrid 3D DNA were mixed of blue T Rex Indominus Rex the name of that new hybrid was indoor raptor and also an island was about to explode because of hot have from volcano and on that Island were dinosaurs they had to save the all dinosaurs is the is the island explode the all dinosaurs. In the end blue and indoor raptor had a fight and blue won the fight it was awesome movie and the funny part was I got scared and my fries fell off my seat done. The whole time of the movie was two hours 13 mi...